It was felt that our club has grown too large to maintain the one elected position to maintain the one elected position hierarchy of the past.
Additional offices: The offices of Past President, Art Director, Public Relations Director, Mail Order Chairman, Membership Director, Volunteer Coordinator Meeting Coordinators and Satellite Meeting Directors were added to the By Laws. These offices have become essential to AMUG operations and as such should be maintained through the By Laws. The office of Past President was created in order to maintain continuity within our organization and
for guidance
during transition
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In this issue of AMUG News you will see a new version of the AMUG Constitution and By Laws. These changes were approved by the executive board at the November 18, 1989 meeting. The proposed changes in the Constitution and By Laws are underlined for your convenience. Copies of these changes will be issued to all members in this issue of AMUG News and they will be voted on at 6:00PM on March 15, 1990 prior to the main Howard Johnson's meeting at University and the Freeway in Phoenix. Discussion will be begin at 6:00PM and a vote will be taken at 6:30PM.
Some of the changes you will find in the new Constitution and By Laws are:
New elected officers: The offices of Vice President and Secretary are elected positions within the new By Law structure.